Title: PIRATE HAT Summary: A pirate hat with Gryffindor decorations, to be worn at Quidditch games and rallies! Rating/Warnings: SCARLET FURY Medium: Heavy 18" x 25" drawing paper, gloss, acrylic paints ( ROAR )
Title: Nessie Came to Visit Summary: the giant squid conversing with the loch ness monster, gen art challenge #71 Characters/Pairings: Squid, Nessie, can be interpreted as Squid/Nessie Rating/Warnings: E for everyone Medium: Crayola® colored pencils and paper \O/
Title: Neville I'm So Sorrry Summary: Neville Longbottom drowns his sorrows in ice cream swirls. he attempts to create a new life in the slowly melting mass of sweet blissful nothing as the world fails to notice his spiraling depression Characters/Pairings: Neville Genre: Hurt/Comfort Rating/Warnings: G Medium: Flash
Title: TM 21 Summary: A scene from Chamber of Secrets in a slightly different light - Pokemon Crossover Characters/Pairings: Genre: Mystery Rating/Warnings: PG for the lord's name taken in vain and distressing situations Medium: Word Word Count: 1,097
Title: Oops! Summary: Aw dang, Albus Severus Potter got mis-sorted again Characters/Pairings: Albus Severus Potter, Neville Longbottom Genre: Fantasy :B Rating/Warnings: (G) for anyone who can read Medium: The computer Word Count: 151